IV Mexican School of Astrophysics
Morelia, Michoacán, México,
July 18-23, 2005
Since 1997 we have organized the "Mexican School of Astrophysics" every two or three years. The main goal of these schools is to discuss and exchange current ideas in astrophysics in a pedagogical manner. Traditionally, we have invited world leaders in specific topics, we can mention D. Schramm, F. K. Thielemann, M. Guidry, M. Prakash, P. Vogel, M. Wiescher, T. Gaisser, G. Senjanovic, D. Mullan, K. H. Raedler, Ali Alpar, W. Kluzniak, Moshe Gai, T. Weekes, E. Roulet, G. Sigl, R. Schwenn, A, Watson, J. Learned, C. Frenk, I. Grenier among others.
The aim of the Fourth Mexican School of Astrophysics or EMA05 (Escuela Mexicana de Astrofísica) is therefore to present different topics on astrophysics, including their most recent theoretical results and the way in which these approaches attempt to get closer to experimental predictions. In addition, during the school we would like to discuss fundamental issues which are still open, such as problems on Gravitoastronomy, Dark Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics, Pulsars, etc.
The scientific
program will include several courses and plenary talks, and a number of short
invited talks. There will also
be time for some parallel talks of 20 minutes each. There will be room available
for posters throughout the week. The detailed program can be found here.
Organizing Committee
Tonatiuh Matos (CINVESTAV)
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Ricardo Becerril
Alberto Carramiñana (INAOE)
Jose Socorro Garcia Diaz (IFUG)
Efraín R. Chávez Lomelí
Jorge Hirsch (ICN-UNAM)
Lukas Nellen (ICN-UNAM)
Dany Page (IA-UNAM)
Luis Felipe Rodriguez (CRyA-UNAM)
José Valdes (IGeoF-UNAM)
Arnulfo Zepeda (AUGER and CINVESTAV)