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Network programming under Unix systems

Preface, or - who is this for?

This document is meant to provide people who already have a knowledge of Programming in C, with the knowledge necessary to write Unix programs that use the network (actually, the Internet). It is supposed to save you all the time it took me to learn how to do this, due to lack of decent online documentation about the subject.

The idea is to explain only the really necessary information for writing client and server applications, leaving less "urgent" information for the appendices, and even less important information for the "see also" part. By the way, I'm not providing an Index, because usually indexed documents scare me away, and I want this document to look friendly to *me*, hoping it will also look friendly to you.

OK, lets get down to business.

Table of contents

(yeah, I know I promised to avoid an index, but an un-detailed one is necessary)

  1. Internet
  2. Client and Server Model
  3. Preparing an Internet Address
  4. The Socket Interface
  5. Writing Clients
  6. Single-Client Servers
  7. Multi-Client Servers
  8. Conclusions
  9. See Also - or, where to go from here.


  1. LANs (Local Area Networks)
  2. DNS (Domain Name Servers)

1. Internet

(Skip this if you know what Internet is, what protocols it uses, what kind of addresses are used over Internet, etc).


The Internet is a computer communication network. Every computer connected to the Internet is also known as a "host", so we could say that Internet's role is to allow hosts to talk amongst themselves. I assume you are already familiar with Internet, as a user of programs such as 'Telnet', 'Ftp', 'Irc' and others. Lets first discuss Internet addresses a little, before we talk about the Internet protocols, and various programming aspects regarding network uniformity.

Internet Addresses

(Skip this if you know what IP addresses are and what ports in Internet are).

An Internet address (or an IP address, or an IP number) is a number made of 4 bytes (numbers between 0 and 255), written in what is called 'a dot notation'. for example, "" is a valid Internet address. Such an address identifies a computer which is connected to the Internet. Note that a computer might have more than one such address, if it has more than one physical connections to the Internet (such as having two Ethernet cards connected. What's Ethernet? read the appendices, or ignore this).

However, when a normal human being uses Internet, they usually use human-readable (oh, really?) addresses of the form "" or "". A system in the Internet called "The Domain Name System" or DNS for short, is responsible to translate between human-readable addresses and IP addresses (again, read the appendices for information about DNS). You will not have to know anything about DNS in order to use it in your programs, so do not worry about it now.

OK. We said that IP numbers define a computer. Well, usually there is more than one program that wants to use the network, that runs on a given computer. For this purpose, the Internet people made up some extension for an IP address, called a port number. Each communications address is made up of an IP number AND a port number. Port numbers could be any number between 1 and 65535, although for certain reasons, you will use port numbers above 1024, unless you have a superuser privileges on your machine (also stated sometimes as "having root password").

For our purposes, we will use addresses of the form: where the "" part is the IP number, and the "6072" part is the port number. Remember this for later usage.

Internet protocols

(Skip this if you know what IP, TCP and UDP are).

You probably heard the term "TCP/IP" and wondered, or had some vague idea about what it means. Lets make things clearer:

The Internet is a network. In order to talk on a network, you need some kind of a "language". That language is also called "a protocol". The Internet has many kinds of protocols used to talk on it, in a manner called "layering".

Layering means that instead of defining one protocol that will do everything, which will be very hard to design and implement, the tasks are divided between several protocols, sitting on top of each other.

What does this mean? Think about it as sending letters: you write your letter on a paper, and then put it in an envelope and write the address on it. The postman doesn't care WHAT you wrote in your letter, as long as you wrote the correct address on the envelope.

The same thing is done when layering protocols. If one protocol contains the data sent and knows how to make sure the data is correct, then a lower protocol will contain the address to be used, and will know how to transfer the data to the correct target. The lower protocol does not understand the format of the data in the upper protocol, and the upper protocol doesn't have to know how to actually transfer the data. This way, each protocol becomes much simpler to design and test. Furthermore, If we will want to use the same protocol for writing the data, but send the data on a different network, we will only need to replace the protocol that knows how to transfer the data over the network, not the whole set of protocols.

(By the way, This sort of packing up several protocols on top of each other is called Encapsulation.)

One other important notion about the Internet is that it forms something known as a "packet switching network". This means that every message sent out is divided into small amounts of information, called packets. The different protocols send the data in packets, which might get divided into smaller packets while it travels to the target host, due to "Electrical" limitations of physical networks. The target machine will eventually combine the small packets (also known as fragments) and build the original message again.

The packets are what allows several connections to use the same physical network simultaneously, in a manner transparent to the network users. No machine will take over a line completely, even if it needs to send a large message. Instead, it will send the message in small fragments, allowing other machines to send their packets too.

Let us now name out some of the Internet protocols, and explain briefly each one of them:

IP is the basic protocol used on the Internet. It is responsible to make it possible to transfer packets from one computer to another, given their IP addresses. Most other protocols are placed on top of IP. As a programmer you will usually not use IP directly.
TCP is the most useful Internet protocol for a programmer. Most networking programs you use (such as 'Telnet', and 'Ftp') are placed on top of TCP. TCP is placed on top of IP, and adds 3 functionalities:
  1. The notion of ports (IP supports only Internet addresses, as mentioned above).
  2. The notion of a 'safe' protocol, i.e. no errors will be encountered in packets sent using TCP, so no error correcting mechanisms are required in programs using TCP (well, this is almost true, but lets assume so for now).
  3. Connection-mode link. After you make a connection between two programs using TCP, you have a steadily open connection on which you can send data without having to specify who you want the data to be sent to. This works very similar to reading or writing on a pipeline, or on a regular file.

UDP is another protocol that is placed on top of IP. It is used for services that send small amounts of data between programs that do not require a long-time connection, or that send only little amount of data at a time. The 'talk' program uses the UDP protocol.

UDP adds only port numbers to the functionality IP gives, so the programmer needs to worry about checking for errors in messages (that come due to line noises and such), making sure the data sent using UDP arrives in the right order (which is not automatically achieved, due to IP's nature of not having a constantly open connection), and such.

There are various other protocols used in conjunction with IP, such as ARP, RARP, ICMP, SNMP and others, but those won't be dealt with in this document. Look at the 'See Also' part to find pointers to articles discussing those protocols.

Network uniformity

(Skip this if you already know what byte ordering means, and what are 'well known ports' across Internet)

It is important to understand that protocols need to define some low-level details, in order to be able to talk to each other. We will discuss two such aspects here, in order to understand the example programs given later on.

Byte Order

It is an old argument amongst different computer manufacturers how numbers should be kept in a computer.

As all computers divide memory into bytes (or octets) of information, each 8 bit long, there is no problem with dealing with byte-sized numbers. The problem arises as we use larger numbers: short integers (2 bytes long) and long integers (4 bytes long). Suppose we have a short integer number, FE4Ch (that is, FE4C in hexadecimal notation). Suppose also that we say this number is kept in memory address 100h. This could mean one of two things, lets draw them out:

  1. Big Endian:

          Address:   | 100h | 101h |
          Contents:  |  FEh |  4Ch |
  2. Little Endian:

          Address:   | 100h | 101h |
          Contents:  |  4Ch |  FEh |

In the first form, also called 'Big Endian', The Most Significant Byte (MSB) is kept in the lower address, while the Least significant Byte (LSB) is kept in the higher address.

In the second form, also called 'Little Endian', the MSB is kept in the higher address, while the LSB is kept in the lower address.

Different computers used different byte ordering (or different endianess), usually depending on the type of CPU they have. The same problem arises when using a long integer: which word (2 bytes) should be kept first in memory? the least significant word, or the most significant word?

In a network protocol, however, there must be a predetermined byte and word ordering. The IP protocol defines what is called 'the network byte order', which must be kept on all packets sent across the Internet. The programmer on a Unix machine is not saved from having to deal with this kind of information, and we'll see how the translation of byte orders is solved when we get down to programming.

Well Known Ports

When we want two programs to talk to each other across Internet, we have to find a way to initiate the connection. So at least one of the 'partners' in the conversation has to know where to find the other one. This is done by letting one partner know the address (IP number + port number) of the other side.

However, a problem could arise if one side's address is randomly taken over by a third program. Then we'll be in real trouble. In order to avoid that, There are some port numbers which are reserved for specific purposes on any computer connected to the Internet. Such ports are reserved for programs such as 'Telnet', 'Ftp' and others.

These port numbers are specified in the file /etc/services on any decent Unix machine. Following is an excerpt from that file:

      daytime       13/tcp
      daytime       13/udp
      netstat       15/tcp
      qotd          17/tcp     quote
      chargen       19/tcp     ttytst source
      chargen       19/udp     ttytst source
      ftp-data      20/tcp
      ftp           21/tcp
      telnet        23/tcp
      smtp          25/tcp     mail

Read that file to find that Telnet, for example, uses port 23, and Ftp uses port 21. Note that for each kind of service, not only a port number is given, but also a protocol name (usually TCP or UDP). Note also that two services may use the same port number, provided that they use different protocols. This is possible due to the fact that different protocols have what is called different address spaces: port 23 of a one machine in the TCP protocol address space, is not equivalent to port 23 on the same machine, in the UDP protocol address space.

So how does this relate to you? When you will write your very own programs that need to 'chat' over Internet, you will need to pick an unused port number that will be used to initiate the connection.

2. Client and Server model

(Skip this if you already know what clients and servers are, and what are the relations between them).

This section will discuss the most common type of interaction across the Internet - the Client and Server model. Note that this discussion is relevant to other types of networks too, and a few examples will be mentioned along the text.

We will first explain what the client-server model is, then detail the roles of the client, the roles of the server, and give examples of some famous servers and clients used.

The Client-Server model

(Skip this if you know what the client-server model basically means)

The client-server model is used to divide the work of Internet programs into two parts. One part knows how to do a certain task, or to give a certain service. This part is called the Server. The other part knows how to talk to a user, and connect that user to the server. this part is called the Client. One server may give service to many different clients, either simultaneously , or one after the other (the server designer decides upon that). on the other hand, a Client talks to a single user at a time, although it might talk to several servers, if it's nature requires that. There are other such complex possibilities, but we will discuss only clients that talk to a single server.

Roles of Clients

(Skip this if you already know what clients are supposed to do)

A client's main feature is giving a convenient User interface, hiding the details of how the server 'talks' from the user. Today, people are trying to write mostly graphical clients, using windows, pop-up-menus and other such fancy stuff. We will leave this to someone else to explain, and concentrate on the networking part. The client needs to first establish a connection with the server, given it's address. After the connection is established, The Client needs to be able to do two things:

  1. Receive commands from the user, translate them to the server's language (protocol) and send them to the server.
  2. Receive messages from the server, translate them into human-readable form, and show them to the user. Some of the messages will be dealt with by the client automatically, and hidden from the user. This time, the Client designer's choice.

This forms the basic loop a client performs:

    get the server's address
    form a working address that can be used to talk over Internet.
    connect to the server
    while (not finished) do:
      wait until there's either information from the server, or from the
      If (information from server) do
        parse information
        show to user, update local state information, etc.
      else {we've got a user command}
        parse command
        send to server, or deal with locally.

In the end of this tutorial you will be able to write such clients.

Roles of Servers

(Skip this if you already know what servers are supposed to do)

A server main feature is to accept requests from clients, handle them, and send the results back to the clients. We will discuss two kinds of servers: a Single-client server, and a multi-client server.

Single Client Servers

These are servers that talk to a single client at a time. They need to be able to:

  1. Accept connection requests from a Client.
  2. Receive requests from the Client and return results.
  3. Close the connection when done, or clear it if it's broken from some reason.

this forms the main loop a Single-Client Server performs:

    bind a port on the computer, so Clients will be able to connect
    forever do:
      listen on the port for connection requests.
      accept an incoming connection request
      if (this is an authorized Client)
        while (connection still alive) do:
          receive request from client
          handle request
          send results of request, or error messages
        abort the connection
Multi Client Servers
These are servers that talk to a several Clients at the same time. They need to be able to:
  1. Accept new connection requests from Clients.
  2. Receive requests from any Client and return results.
  3. Close any connection that the client wants to end.

this forms the main loop a Multi-Client Server performs:

  bind a port on the computer, so Clients will be able to connect
  listen on the port for connection requests.
  forever do:
    wait for either new connection requests, or requests from existing
    if (this is a new connection request)
      accept connection
      if (this is an un-authorized Client)
        close the connection
    else if (this is a connection close request)
      close the connection
    else { this is a request from an existing Client connection}
      receive request from client
      handle request
      send results of request, or error messages

"Famous" Servers and Clients

(Skip this if you already know about too many server types, or if you're not interested in knowing about them)

In this section we will give short descriptions of some "famous" servers and clients, that are used daily over Internet, and over some other famous kinds of networks. This is simply an illustrative section, that can be safely skipped by a rushing reader.

Internet Clients
Ftp is a Client program used to transfer files across the Internet. The Client connects to an FTPD Server (see below) and allows a user to scan a tree-structure of files and directories on the remote machine, retrieve and transmit files, etc. It uses two connections - one to exchange commands, and another to exchange data (the files themselves).
Telnet is a Client program that enables working on a remote machine, using the keyboard and screen of the local one. It allows connecting from one type of machine to a completely different type. The Telnet Client could be used to connect to any ASCII services, although it might be more convenient to use specialized Clients for that.
talk is a Client that allows two users across the Internet to carry out a real-time chat. The screen is split into two halves, and the user see what he types in the upper half, and what the other user types in the upper half.
Another chat Client, which allows connecting to Internet-wide network of users and carry out both private conversations and conference talks.
An information-retrieval Client. Lynx knows a wide set of information retrieval protocols, including some hyper-text protocols (which allow a plain text file to contain pointers to relevant information that lynx can follow), ftp, and so on.
Internet Servers
The server that normally accepts connections from Ftp Clients. It works off the well-known Ftp port number 21. This server is a Single-Client server, i.e. it handles one connection only, and then terminates. The operating system has to make sure one running copy of the server will be created for each interested client.
The Server that talks to the Telnet client. Uses the well-known Telnet port number 23. TELNETD is a Single-Client Server, i.e. one TELNETD server is used for each Telnet connection request that should be handled.
Used to receive talk requests from a remote machine, and notify the user that such a request has arrived. It has a role only in the initiation of the connection, not during the conversation itself, which is carried directly between the two Clients.
A server that serves information for hyper-text Clients such as Lynx, or graphical-based ones (Netscape, Internet Explorer.... or have you heard of Mosaic?).
A server that cooperates with other servers of its kind to form the IRC network. Allows exchanging of information, along with state information about channels used for conferencing, and such.

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