Scientific Publications

Chapters in Books

  1. Tonatiuh Matos. Harmonic Maps in Dilaton Gravity. In Field Theory, Integrable Systems and Symmetries by Faqir Khanna and Luc Vinet, Ed. Centre de Recherches Matháematiques, (1997), ISBN: 2-921120-29-1, p. 166-173.

  2. Tonatiuh Matos, Francisco S. Guzmán, Luis Ureña and Darío Núñez. Scalar Field Dark Matter. In Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity, by A. Macias, J. Cervantes and C. Lämerzhal., Ed. Kluwer Academic (2001), ISBN: 0-306-46618-X, p. 166-184.

  3. Tonatiuh Matos, Luis Ureña, Miguel Alcubierre, Ricardo Becerril, Francisco S. Guzmán and Darío Núñez. The Scalar Field Dark Matter Model: A Braneword Connection. In Lecture Notes in Physics, 646, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-21847-0, (2004), p 401-420.

  4. Tonatiuh Matos y Fernando Favela Rosales. Viaje a las Estrellas en Agujeros de Gusano. En Tendencias actuales de la Física. Editado por Olga L Hernandez, Mario E. Pacheco y Moises Santillan, IPN, 2008, ISBN: 978-970-36-0440-01.

  5. Tonatiuh Matos, Juan Magaña and Abril Suárez. Accelerated Expansion and Structure Formation with a single Scalar Field. In Special Issue in Dark Energy, Ed. by Sergei Odinsov, The Open Astronomy Journal, ISSN: 1874-3811, No. 3, 2010. Invitation.

  6. Tonatiuh Matos, José-Rubén Luévano, Hugo García-Compeán and Erandy Ramírez. The Cosmology of the Type IIB Superstrings Theory with Fluxes. In Superstrings Theory in the 21st Century, Ed. by Gerold B. Charney, 2009, Nova Science Publishers ISBN: 978-1-61668-385-6. Invitation.